Friday, April 29, 2011
Office of Power
The other day I went into a friend's office and was beyond underwhelmed. Although he has a big job his office felt anything but powerful. Here are a few images to inspire and I would love any links to fab office accessories. Thank you so much! Suze
Image Via An Inspired Workspace
Don Draper's DeskTo get the Look Via Rex Leather $219
Via Rex Leather
Inspiration for a clutter free office Bill Gates
Office of the CEO
"Back in May, 1956, when GM's greatest modern leader moved into his state-of-the-art office, there wasn't anything like it in the world." ("Eero Saarinen designed this one-of-a-kind office" _one-of-a-kind_office.htm)
Resnick CEO Office Via Steven Croke
Steve Jobs in his Apple office 1981 Via NY Magazine (Photo: Tony Korody/Sygma/Corbis) Via
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Trick To Selling Your Home.... Divine intervention.
Via Amazon totally worth $5.50
When my mom put her Quechee, VT home up for sale everyone said don't waist your time - very few homes had moved in Quechee for almost 3 years. Enter Real Estate Agent extraordinaire Susan Cooney from the James L. Cooney agency of Boston who planted the statue Saint Joseph (did it matter that we are Jewish?) with a prayer and in three days Mom's house was a done deal. Crazy. Some fabulous family decided to drive up from Boston not even looking to buy saw it and had to have it. Susan always says the prayer "PLEASE Saint Joseph Help me sell this house and Thank You" and it seems to work for every house but hers (see below) so far. I guess you need a friend to do it for you. "You want to burry Saint Joseph UPSIDE DOWN- traditionally in the ground facing the street - but you can put it in a planter with soil anywhere in the apartment or condo. At least 3 inches deep.
So interested to see what you think of this please let me know. This is Susan Cooney - She is THE BEST!
Her home ..5 Bedrooms in Lowell, Mass
Keeping my fingers crossed for my apt to sell !
dude. a very good friend sold her home RIGHT AWAY after burying that statue upside down in her yard. . .IN THIS STINKIN' MARKET. she's a total believer.

You can call me crazy but after a slow start selling our house in Atlanta a friend suggested this and I was up for anything. We planted that sweet little Saint and BAM! I swear! Sold. Now I am a believer. And really, what can it hurt?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Super Size Me
Love the scale!
Huge Couch Via Wuoohniture
Hand Jonathan Adler / Simon Doonan Living room.
Via Elle Decor photo Simon Upton
I used to love the store THINK BIG in Soho in the 80's - Does anyone remember it? Via Wikepedia found the modern day equivalent but not as cool called Great Big Stuff
Command Sit Via Great Big Stuff
Great Big Dixon Pencil
Cup and Saucer
Getting this to remind my son to brush his teeth and why does he keep forgetting?
This is just too cool not to post.. OK done now!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easy Feng Shui Tips That WILL Change Your Home and Life For The Better!
How gorgeous are these Feng Shui Gurus? Meet Laura Forbes Carlin (brunette on the left) and Alison Forbes (blond on the right) - not only are they business partners & bff's but they are sisters. They have one philosophy, "Changing your home will transform your life!" Their Feng Shui tips have created romance and family peace. Their blog, Inspired Everyday Living is exactly as pitched. I asked Laura and Alison for their best romance and sibling peace tips and then, of course, I had to edit down big time so try and check out their blog, book and apps after. If you are a fan like me click HERE! (PS I was #100)
Read this if you want to transform your single status to + 1 or just get more action!
Number 1 Rule: Design your room for a party of 2 not 1.
Perfect Example Before:
This is a bedroom for one (i.e., one bedside table, one reading lamp, one pillow) or the long side of the bed is pushed up against a wall so only one person can enter the bed comfortably. While it is important to accept and embrace where you are now, it is also important that you make some space for a partner. An all white room or a room with little color can "cool off" a relationship.
Via House Beautiful
Create a space for two people—both symbolically and physically make space for your future partner. Add a second side table, push the bed away from the wall, or add another reading lamp, and making sure there are places for two people to eat together or hang out. Act “as if” you are already in a relationship.
Also keep color in mind : romantic colors impact our emotions. To promote more romance in your life, decorate the bedroom with sensual colors, like skin tones such as beige and chocolate, or use shades of red, the color associated with passion and love, like burgundy and terracotta the above has it all :) .
Don't paint the room all red--too much of red can increase arguments and make it hard to sleep.
STAY AWAY from Clutter or the bachelor pad or little girl's room. Rooms that look like they are designed for girls and boys rather than men and women are a turn-off. If you are a man, a Women won't think you're looking for something serious if you live like you're in college. If you are a woman, Men want to be with a woman, not take care of a little girl. Do live in a clutter-free, organized, beautiful space - clutter blocks new and better things from coming into our lives.
Nothing Happening in this room except maybe the laundry.
DO: surround yourself with images that reflect your goals (such as pictures of romantic places, happy couples or things in two’s) and evoke positive, uplifting feelings.
Here is my pick available at Conde Nast
Horst P. Horst
George Hoyningen-Huené's much-seen 1930 photograph, simply called 'Divers,' depicts the photographer's protégé Horst P. Horst and a model posing in Izod bathing suits. Horst, who soon after became an assistant to the Russian-born lensman and, of course, a photographer in his own right, was a frequent subject of Hoyningen-Huené's pictures. The image's meticulous and formal composition exemplifies both photographers' aesthetic style. This image ran in the July 5, 1930, Vogue.
DO: Best for each child to have their own room but if not: set up the space so each child feels he has ownership over parts of the room beyond their beds such as the wall space next to the bed, separate desks, closets or drawers etc
Nathan Egan
Nathan Egan
Don't : Avoid bunk beds as this leads to inequality in the relationship as someone is always on top!
DO: Paint the room a neutral color, and bring in each of their color preferences with accents such as bedspreads, pillows, etc. Choose soothing colors to create a peaceful vibe in the room and in their relationship.
DON'T: Use Bright, active colors may heighten the energy in the room and lead to arguments.
Via Domino
Via Domino
DO :Photographs: Place at least one current photograph in the room where the siblings are together and smiling. Particularly for the first child, also place a happy current photograph of each child with mommy and daddy.
Via Domino
Via Domino
DO create a Shared space with a game, toy or art table set up for two. Similarly, consider a daily ritual or game that your kids enjoy and that they do together. This could be as simple as a special way of saying goodnight. Oldie but Goodie!
DO: EDIT -The challenge with children is that they are always growing and changing. The room therefore needs to adapt as well. Let go of outgrown clothes and toys and make space for the things that support and inspire your child in the present moment. Of course, attachment objects or a few cherished things from their baby years are great enhancements too—just find a balance. Create a great view from the bed with artwork that your child loves.
DO : Command position: Beds should be placed with a solid wall behind and a view of the door in front.
Don't: Put the foot of the bed directly facing the door.
DO : Set your Intention: Write down your intention and positive vision for you children’s relationship with each other. You may wish to place this written intention in a special box or under a happy photo of your children in a part of the house where you will see it often. This will remind you to think of their relationship positively and hold a positive vision for your family in place.
jamie said...
April 26, 2011 8:26 AM 
You won't be surprised to hear that the day I bought a fullsize mattress is the day I met my future husband. I had been sleeping in a twin bed post-college and literally the day I bought my full-size is the day I met him. We get married on Saturday and this week he's going to go buy us a queen-size mattress. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011
A House Where Perfect Never Ends... Isn't it Divine?
Canadian-born designer Amanda Nisbet relied on bold colours when designing this beach house in the Hamptons Thank You Style At Home for this Amazing feature story - I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Amanda matching the Decor perfectly
Can this home be any more Hamptonsie?
The definition of Feng Shui. I was so proud of myself for recognizing this fabric first try ... It's by Quadrille under the China Sea catagory and it is called Sigourney.
Coral, Navy , Natural Wood ... Yes Yes Yes you should!
The pop of bright pink in a navy room gets me every time!
A strong case for the matchy matchy look.
The breaks in the runner make it! I also adore seagrass or ratan wallpaper
Besides the kitchen being complete heaven how amazing is the styling? I need a ton of apples in my kitchen so my kids can throw them at each other.
If only I had the time
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